

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Can you believe the insulting attitude of "Let them eat cake!" of the supporters of the Fisher Museum on the Presidio? A BMW SUV pulled up in front of the July 14 meeting location and handed out box lunches to CAMP supporters and the crowd, most of whom were not interested, thank you. 

One extraordinarily well dressed man who spoke in favor of CAMP said, "No matter what you people do, you are wasting your time. Meetings like this are all ceremony, you know."

No wonder people's reaction is, "To the barricades!" Join them to reject CAMP. 

Monday, July 14, 2008


What a great show of support today for keeping historical values at the Presidio from being submerged in a sea of new construction that is completely unrelated to the natural and historic resources of the Presidio Park! All the 600 chairs were taken, hundreds more lined the walls, and more were turned away from the doors. The Presidio Trust offered its habitual nonsense about "revitalizing" the Presidio. Would you "Revitalize" Gettysburg or Independence Hall? 

The Fisher people, including the Mayor of San Francisco, made speeches about how wonderful the art collection was and  how beautiful the Presidio was, but none of them had an explanation why the unsuitably large building had to be located directly in the center of the most historic area of the 1776 historic site. Sure, we all agree to keeping the art in San Francisco, but not on the Main Post of the Presidio.

Amy Meyer, the "Mother of the GGNRA," spoke out strongly against the Trust's interpretation of the GGNRA legislation. Amy made it clear that the law does NOT permit adding up the square footage from various demolished structures to justify building one huge structure. The National Parks Conservation Association backed up that view with a stinging legal review letter sent on July 11. This obviously got the Trust Board's attention because Amy Meyer is widely respected in the community and was herself a recent board member of the Presidio Trust.

One objectionable event was a  person introducing 300 signatures in support of CAMP and the Trust accepting them to the record. Isn't the whole point of a public hearing for the public to show up and express themselves? Those names should not be accepted to the record. 

The key arguments used by our allies will be posted under "Issues" on

All in all, it was a very good evening for those who cherish the Presidio as a park for all the people. It was you, each one of you reading this, and your friends who made a strong statement to the Trust Board....are they listening? Do they understand what they are hearing?

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Presidio Hearing and the Good News

How wrong those were who said to oppose the limitless money and influence of Mr. Fisher and the arrogance of the Trust Board to support a huge modern art museum in a national park! Well, in America's unique democratic way, a powerful coalition has emerged to bring sanity to a crazy situation.

1. The National Park Service has ruled that the construction would threaten the Landmark. That was a high level announcement. The NPS has the responsibility by  law to protect national landmarks.

2. The State Historic Preservation  Officer has sent a very strong letter to the Trust to demand that it follows the prescribed procedures. The SHPO also has strong objections.

3. The National Parks Conservation Association has been working effectively in the background to protect park values  and authority in the Presidio. The NPCA is well connected in Washington.

4. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has come out strongly in opposition to the construction ideas.

5. 42 or more neighborhood organizations are on record to oppose the Fisher Museum. 

6. Many individual volunteers are working extraordinary hours to stop the art museum in the Presidio.

7. Most importantly, you, the public have been vocal in opposition. Literally thousands of comments to the press, blog entries, and letters to the Trust want history, not modern art, in our historic landmark.

Personally, I think far more progress has been made toward stopping the Trust Express than most people realize.

BUT, the Trust Directors may not be hearing you, nor are the politicians. We do not know if the intensity of the opposition is not being reported to them by the staff or if they think that public opposition cannot touch them. 

YOU MUST SPEAK OUT MONDAY, JULY 14,  AT THE 6:30 p.m. HEARING. If nothing else, say, "I oppose the alternatives  of a  big art museum or hotel, and I support Alternative 3, the History Center at the Golden Gate."    

The main page of will lead you to more detailed suggested comments.